How to Take CBD: Dosing, Methods and more.

How to Take CBD: Dosing, Methods and more.

Here at Relyf we want to partner with you on your individual journey to health and wellness, whatever that may look like to you. One of the most confusing aspects of starting your CBD journey is finding the most effective way to find the perfect dose of CBD.

Dosing can be very individual as we all have different states of functioning in regards to our endocannabinoid systems. We have found that a wide variety of doses are beneficial for many people. The World Health Organization found that CBD poses no public health risks or abuse potential.

However, if you take certain medications, as with any herbal supplement, it is best to speak with your doctor about taking CBD and your specific medications as larger doses of CBD have the potential to interact with certain medications.    

bioavailability chart for cbd delivery methods

How Much Should I Take?

There is no recommended daily allowance (RDA) or universal dose for all people. We recommend starting with the minimal dose (3-5 drops under the tongue) and increasing the dose by .25 mL every 3-4 days until you have achieved specific symptom relief.  The starting dose is considered a micro-dose. When you open your bottle of Relyf, you will see hash marks on the dropper for convenient measuring.

How do I take it?

While there are many ways to take CBD (tinctures, capsules, vaping, etc) research has shown that the sublingual (under the tongue) application is the most bioavailable as it goes directly into your bloodstream from the capillaries under the tongue.  After you have decided your beginning dose, simply put the drops under your tongue and take 5 deep cleansing breaths. Breathe in through your nose for 5 seconds, hold for 5 seconds, then breathe slowly out through your mouth. This will not only be an effective way to let the CBD absorb, but studies have shown that taking time to breathe during the day can reduce stress and enhance overall health.    

CBD oil being placed under tonguestep by step CBD dosage directions

 What do I look for?

Some people are experiencing symptoms they want to alleviate while others are simply looking to enhance their overall health and wellness.  If you are looking for specific symptom relief, gradually increase your dose every 3-4 days by .25 mL until relief is achieved. For overall health and wellness, learning to become in tune with your body and its signals is an integral part of knowing which dose works best.  Taking the time to pay attention to the signals our bodies give can go a long way in noticing the benefits of high-quality CBD. Things to take note of include:

  1. The ability to breathe deeply without having to put too much effort into the process
  2. The ability to genuinely smile and experience a sense of contentment with life
  3. Notice posture changes as CBD tends to relax the body and assist in stress-related ailments
  4. Notice any decreases in restlessness, irritability and worrisome thoughts

Don’t Be in a Hurry

Finding your sweet spot can take some time but know that your efforts in finding the optimal dose are not only beneficial for CBD dosing, but also for learning to pay attention to our bodies.  

Quick Guide

  1. Begin by taking a micro-dose of CBD (3-5 drops under the tongue) twice a day
  2. Take 5 deep, cleansing breaths while you hold the CBD under your tongue
  3. Be sure to take your CBD away from other medications.
  4. Gradually increase your dose by .25 mL every 3-4 days until you achieve symptom relief or experience a noticeable difference in your health.
  5. Take note each day of symptoms and overall health
  6. Schedule a 15-minute consult with one of our Natural Health Practitioners


We legally cannot hyperlink these resources because of FDA regulations but if you're interested in learning more copy and paste the below links into your browser to view.


1 comentario

  • Relyf CBD icon
    CAROLYN Talley
    Mar 20, 2020 at 12:41

    Thanks! This information has been very helpful!!

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Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar cualquier recurso educativo que los clientes puedan necesitar para tomar decisiones informadas sobre productos, usos y dosis de cbd.

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