3 all natural cleaners for home

3 All Natural Cleaners and Sanitizers for Your Home

More than ever, keeping a sanitized home is imperative to help maintain you and your family's health. However, emerging research is showing that certain popular brands of home cleaners can actually be damaging to your health. If you're interested in learning more you can visit the Environmental Work Group's website for more on this topic. In a time where your immune system is under constant assault, it's important to use cleaners and sanitizers that will help control the spread of germs in your home but also not make you susceptible to sickness.

So we have connected with Lindey B. of Lindey and Co for some of her favorite natural cleaner recipes that anyone can make at home.

All Natural Household Cleaner

This all-purpose cleaner can be used on any surface in your home for dusting, spot cleaning, scrubbing, or any other cleaning need. Wherever you use it, you’ll feel good knowing it’s safe to use around everyone in your family, including pets. Spot test in an inconspicuous area before applying this product to woods, plastics, fabrics, and granite. If staining or damage occurs, discontinue use on the material.

  • 1 cap full of Thieves Cleaner
  • Splash of Witch Hazel
  • 10 drops of Citrus Fresh or Pine essential oil
  • Fill rest of glass bottle with warm distilled water

One 64 ounce bottle of Thieves Household Cleaner Concentrate equals about 128 All - Purpose Cleaners for about .88 cents a bottle. That's cheaper than the majority of all-natural cleaners on the markets. Meaning you save time and cost by buying one cleaning product. No more trips to the grocery store and will literally replace all your household cleaners. 

How to Make Your Own Fizzy Sanitizer

  • 1 cup Baking Soda
  • 1/2 cup Citric Acid
  • 1/2 cup Cornstarch
  • 4 teaspoons of water
  • 3 teaspoons of V-6 Oil Complex
  • 40 drops of Citrus Fresh and Thieves essential oils

Natural Cleaner Instructions

  1. In a large bowl combine all dry ingredients and mix evenly.
  2. In a separate bowl, combine all liquids
  3. Then combine everything together, and whisk.

Put all the mixture in the mold tray. If mixture expands and spills over gently repack into the mold. Let it sit overnight to dry! When it’s dry pop the tablets out and store in a glass container. When needed put a tablet in the toilet bowl, hard to clean bottles, or sink! I love using mine in the garbage disposal! Now you’re ready to clean without using any harsh ingredients and plastic-free! 

How to Make Dish Detergent

Get your dishes clean while adding the uplifting burst of citrus fresh essential oil in your kitchen. That’s enough to brighten anyone’s day!

  • 1 cup Washing Soda
  • 1/2 cup of Detergent Booster
  • 1/4 cup Salt
  • 1/2 cup Citric Acid Powder
  • Mix all together, stir well - break up any lumps with the back of the spoon and then pour into an airtight glass container.
  • 28 scoops should equal to 28 loads.

How to Use Natural Detergent

  • Use 1 scoop per a load of dishes
  • Put in your dish detergent compartment.
  • This is optional, but to make my dishes sparkle, I put White Vinegar in my rinse aid compartment.

Myth: Natural cleaners don't work as well as commercial cleaners. So not true. My dishwasher routine gets dishes clean and glasses clear every time. The results are wonderful!

Thank you Lindey for sharing your favorite recipes with us. You can find more on Lindey at Lindey and Co

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