Precautions to Consider When Taking CBD

CBD Precautions. What Do I Need to Know?

While research has thus far shown CBD products to be generally safe for use under normal conditions, one should always exercise caution when taking any wellness product. Cannabidiol can interact with the body and various medications in different ways, and there are some significant circumstances that one must consider before use. We suggest speaking with your doctor before taking any CBD product.

Studies suggest that cannabidiol can inhibit the liver’s ability to metabolize certain compounds, and may, therefore, influence the way your body processes a wide variety of medications.

“CBD has the potential to block a liver enzyme in the CYP450 pathway,” says Certified Natural Health Practitioner Jenny Golden. “This means that some prescription medications, when taken with CBD, can cause the levels of that medication to be higher in the bloodstream. The best course of action is to speak with your healthcare practitioner to monitor medications and take all CBD products away from other medications.”

To limit the amount of CBD processed by the liver, it may be taken sublingually. If CBD oil is held under the tongue between one minute to 90 seconds, the compound will be absorbed by the mucous membranes and will largely bypass the digestive system and route to the liver.

Expectant mothers should abstain from using CBD products for the duration of their pregnancy. A 2013 study by the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology concluded that cannabinoid use during pregnancy may adversely interact with certain medications and cause complications. While breastmilk does contain some endocannabinoids, it would also be wise to avoid CBD products if the mother is going to breastfeed as well.

Among the most common questions, we’ve seen regarding CBD use is whether or not it might yield a positive result for THC in a drug test. The most reasonable answer is to err on the side of caution if you know you’re going to be tested. Drug tests are generally designed to identify THC, and while CBD oil may only contain a trace amount of THC at most, there is still some risk that it might test positive.

“CBD results are not generally tested for in a drug test,” says Golden. “There is a concern that taking full spectrum CBD oil can trigger a positive drug test for THC. This all depends on the amount taken, frequency and personal metabolism.”

You may speak with your employer beforehand so that any supplements you take can be listed on file. If you have reservations about consuming trace amounts of THC, you may consider the THC-free CBD products that we will have available soon.

If you experience any side effects while taking CBD products, discontinue use immediately and consult your healthcare provider. You can also reach out to our team at Relyf for more information. And as always, talk to your doctor about taking CBD. If you're unsure how to consult with your doctor visit our blog post on some talking points that will guide you through how to introduce CBD to your healthcare provider. 

We legally cannot hyperlink these resources because of FDA regulations, but if you're interested in learning more, copy and paste the links below into your browser to view.

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